...to our invitation to participate in Selah Sessions,
our space for contemplative companionship.
The practice of spiritual direction carves out space to “selah”—to pause our lives for reflection and take notice of God’s presence through the stories taking place in our present moments.
The regular practice of group spiritual direction is offered to friend groups, family groups, or ministry teams to encourage a listening posture for sacred storytelling.
The practice of Ignatian spiritual direction involves in depth prayer through contemplative scripture reading using the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
Six-one-hour weekly sessions of pastoral lay counseling from an ordained, licensed chaplain are offered followed by recommendations for aftercare.
Spiritual Direction:
A one-hour session typically begins with a brief liturgy, prayer, and silence followed by an open listening space for the directee to share his/her present story. As a ministry of discernment, the spiritual director will ask questions and make observations to help the directee discover and discern the Holy Spirit’s presence in current life circumstances. The session ends with discernment of the invitations God is presenting and a closing prayer time. Typically, spiritual direction sessions occur once each month.
Group Spiritual Direction:
Small groups of 2-3 people/hour who share life, companion each other as active listeners, witnessing and honoring each other's sacred stories. The spiritual director typically begins with a contemplative practice, followed by silence and prayer, and each honored guest is given time to freely share while others hospitably listen. After each story space, a spiritual direction question is offered, and prayer by a fellow companion, followed by the next story and so on. At the end of the session, participants discern the Holy Spirit’s invitation as a group.
Ignatian Spiritual Direction:
18th Annotation: One-hour session/week with daily prayerful scripture readings and journaling companioned by the spiritual director through the Ignatian Exercises for 10-12 weeks. This can also be done as a small group of 2-3 people.
19th Annotation: One-hour session/week with daily prayerful scripture readings and journaling companioned individually by the spiritual director through the Ignatian Exercises for 32-36 weeks.
20th Annotation: An intensive month-long retreat in residence completing the Ignatian Exercises within a Benedictine framework to develop a Rule of Life experientially. Not offered at this time….but hopefully soon!
Pastoral Counseling/Care:
The format put forth by the IAOCC includes an intake process, homework to describe and express personal problematic issues, validation of experiences, responsibility for actions/consequences/realistic change, problem-solving/conflict resolution strategy processing with biblical principles, and a plan for empowerment for change. Aftercare will be recommended following six weekly one-hour sessions (ex: referrals for licensed professional counseling, spiritual direction, recovery groups etc.).
Life Coach:
The IAOCC chaplaincy models for life coaching will be utilized.
Session Information:
All sessions are offered either in person or on Zoom/FaceTime, accommodating U.S. and international time zones, primarily on Thursdays between 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.. Occasional scheduling accommodations can be made. Contact me for availability.
A Word About Rates:
Selah Spiritual Wellness Practice donates 10% of its income towards scholarships for the Cleveland area School of Mercy & Justice, spiritual care of pastors, faith leaders, and as a gift to those in need.
Once/month one-on-one (can adjust to greater or lesser frequency if requested).
Check / Cash - $50/hr
PayPal - $55/hr
International - $60/hr
Once/month group spiritual direction divided by 2-3 in group.
Check / Cash - $50/hr
PayPal - $55/hr
International - $60/hr
$75/hour for 10-12 weeks once/week (offered to groups of 2-3 people as well with hourly rate divided by those in the group).
$75/hour individually for 32-36 weeks once/week.
Once/week for 6 weeks.
Check / Cash - $50/hr
PayPal - $55/hr
International - $60/hr
Once/week for 6 weeks.
Check / Cash - $50/hr
PayPal - $55/hr
International - $60/hr
Pause. Rest. Re-center in Christ.
For appointments, contact Marisa Lapish at:
Text: (440) 897-2598
Or press the contact button below to email.